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Graphics Standards Libraries and Tools

PV-WAVE Point & Click

Precision Numerics, Inc.

PV-WAVE Point & Click is a GUI version of PV-WAVE, the industry's leadingVisual Data Analysis software. It provides a wide variety of interactivefeatures for display and analysis of technical data for a broad range ofapplications, including the analysis of data from tests, experiments, orsimulations.PV-WAVE's strengths include its ease of data access and manipulation,data analysis, data visualization, traditional graphics, and hardcopyoutput. PV-WAVE is used by thousands of engineers, scientists, analysts,and researchers worldwide to interpret and understand their data, easierand faster.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Precision Numerics, Inc.
6230 Lookout Rd
Boulder, CO 80301
Phone: (303) 530-9000
        (800) 447-7147
Fax: (303) 530-9329